Everyday is a brand new day




I cannot be confident of my child raising. I always say “No!””Don’t do that!” I cannot stay with my daughters so often though… I have been thinking that it might not be good,and now I have come to understand why it is not good. たぶん僕は…


What do you think “collaboration” is? 【協働】ってなんだと思いますか? According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Fifth Edition, it is about when you work together with another person or group to achieve something, especially…


This year, I have now had three opportunities of expressing my ideas or practices outside of school. 今年、現時点で、3度学校外でアイデアや実践を発表する機会をいただいています。 One is what I raised my hand to output my practice about “inte…

HELLO 2018

A Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます! How have you been so far?Today I want to write about the importance of reflection, and the idea to implement a better reflection.みなさまお元気でしょうか。今日は「ふりかえり」の大切さにつ…


"What on earth have I been doing?!" 「あぁなにをやってるんや…」 I would often think so after class when I was teaching at Horikawa as a freshman teacher.堀川で教え始めて1年目のとき、授業後によく思いました。 I would reflect myself just afte…


Last time, I wrote about “LIFE-PURPOSE” here, http://kazu044.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/11/29/224905. Today, I would like to share my current “MISSON”, which now I can say can be defined as almost same as one of my LIFE-PURPOSEs.前回のブロ…


Do you know a word “Growth mindset” ? グロウス・マインドセットという言葉をご存知ですか? This is a word defined by Professor Carol Dweck. キャロルドゥエック氏によって定義づけられたものです。 She explains: Growth mindset is based on the bel…


Do you know “reframing” ?突然ですがみなさん、リフレーミングを知っていますか? You first make a “frame” when you perceive something.人はまずなにかを認識する際に、まずはじめにフレームを作ります。 For example, imagine you got scolded by a per…


"To live is to journey, and to journey is to live." 「人生とは旅であり、旅とは人生である」 This is a phrase said by Hidetoshi Nakata, a professional soccer player who had been active in Japanese national team.これは、サッカー日本代表で活躍…


I sometime go off a tangent when I teach something in class.授業中、たまに脱線するときがあります。 Of course I know that we need a goal or an aim in class and we should achieve it, and those tangents could become distractions from achievin…


This month, I went to Kyoto to see the ex-coworkers.I felt weird to realize that it's been almost two months since I left the previous school.Today I want to write about something important reminded when I saw them.今月、前の職場の同僚と会…


I've been thinking about my dream these days.最近、夢について考える One of them is "To take a journey all around the world with my wife."一番の夢は【妻といろんな世界を旅すること】だけれど and another one has got more specific while I keep …


Writing a new article in a while. I get very busy every February.I quit writing last year because I got much more busier in March, but somehow I can cotinue this year.久しぶりのブログです。昨年度同様に仕事で激動の2月、昨年度はここでやめち…


I sometime think about my job, asking what the word "teacher" means."教師"という職業とはなんだろう、とたまに思うことがある。A teacher helps students learn things, inspiring the heart and mind of the students.教師とは、生徒の心と頭に火をつ…